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Busting a Big Myth!

Welcome to this week’s broadcast of Jacquie Straight Up, the place to be if you want to live a kick-ass life of wealth and freedom.I’m coming to you today from my good friends magnificent home in San Miguel de Allende Mexico and I just love this place! It is such a gorgeous town!

I have a really important myth to bust this week. It’s the myth that happiness comes after success.  An actual fact is, it’s the other way around! Happiness comes before success. So its key to get ourselves in a state of happiness right now wherever we are in order to bring success in whatever it is we want success in our lives. So whether its financial success, success in love, success in friendships, success in health, whatever it is, happiness must come first!

What can you do right now in your life as it is to be happy? What are the simple things you can do to bring yourself to a state of happiness?

You see, what happens is, when we’re in that energetic state of happiness, we’re open to the inspiration and the intuition that’s going to guide us to what we need to do to become successful. Whereas if we were in an unhappy state, those things don’t happen. The inspiration does not come. So it’s so important to be on that level of happiness in order to bring that success into our lives.

So it’s a simple message but a big myth to bust! Here is the truth: Happiness comes before success.

What are the small things you can do that bring you joy and happiness TODAY?  That’s what you need to focus on. The success will follow organically. Put yourself in that state and see what happens!

Thank you so much for watching this video – If you’ve liked it, please click the like button and share it with others– I’d really appreciate that. And I’d love to hear from you so make sure to leave a comment below this video and let me know what you’re doing today to get yourself into a state of happiness.

I’m Jacquie Somerville reminding you that the way to live a kick-ass life is to be your own soul mate. Treat yourself with love and care and I’ll see you next time for another episode of Jacquie Straight Up- Bye!

  • Kimberly
    Posted at 09:51h, 31 August Reply

    Hey Jacquie! I can’t agree more with everything you said. When I am doing things that make me happy, I feel motivated to keep doing those things and move forward. And with moving forward comes success! Thanks for putting this out there and busting this myth in the butt!

    • Jacquie
      Posted at 09:52h, 31 August Reply

      You’re so welcome Kimberly – I love that you totally get this! xo

  • Roxanne
    Posted at 09:57h, 31 August Reply

    Yes! Yes! Yes! I love this myth buster Jacquie! I find that doing little things that make me happy throughout the day like closing my eyes for a second and meditating or pausing to drink a delicious cup of tea really makes the world of a difference. I accomplish more that way and it keeps me going with a smile on my face. Just like all your videos! Thank you Jacquie!

    • Jacquie
      Posted at 10:01h, 31 August Reply

      Aww, what a lovely comment – Thank you Roxanne – That put a big smile on my face!! xo

  • Nessie
    Posted at 18:41h, 03 September Reply

    What you say is true, we have to be happy now, to ensure future happiness as well! Why wait for success and goals to happen to be happy too? We should simply do it now, and by doing so, we can be content as we strive for our goals! I love your segments Jacquie! <3

    • Jacquie
      Posted at 20:45h, 04 September Reply

      And I love your comments – Thanks so much Nessie!

  • Julie George
    Posted at 01:54h, 05 September Reply

    Totally agree! Thank you for this reminder. It’s easy to fall into the thinking pattern that says you ‘will be ‘ happy when you are achieving and when things are going well. Loving your videos each week. Thank you so much xxxx

    • Jacquie
      Posted at 23:06h, 05 September Reply

      Thanks Julie and you are so welcome! XO

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