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Why Jumping grows your Wings!

Today, I have got something really important to say and that is, if you really want a quantum leap in your life, I mean, to go from a life of existing to a life of joy and accomplishment, from a mediocre life to a thrilling life, from living pay check to pay check to a life of wealth and freedom – Whatever quantum leap you’d love to make in your life right now, you have got to put yourself under pressure.

Now I know that sounds weird and contrarian. We are always told that stress is bad – to avoid it at all cost. But I am here to tell you that avoiding stress at all cost is the huge price you will pay for a so-so life of endless wishing and hoping and never ever getting what you want.

Stress is necessary to get want you want. If you’re ever going to fly you have to jump off the cliff. And that’s scary, but if you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.

As George Addair said “everything you’ve ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear.” Here’s the thing, if you avoid fear and failure you avoid life. Don’t be one of those people who as Bob Proctor says, “when their heart stops beating, it’s just a formality because they never really lived.” They existed on the sidelines terrified to rock their own boat and watched others soaring by.

You have got to grab the bull by the horns, take a leap of faith and jump. It’s the stress and pressure from that leap that forces you to open your wings and fly. It’s the stress and pressure from that leap that turns your want into an absolute must. When your want is a must you do what it takes and you make it happen.

It’s not easy and you’ll get beaten up in the process but it’s the adversity that brings about the quantum leaps. So what do you want – A life of safety and security, which is never guaranteed anyway, or would you like to soar?

That’s the choice that needs to be made. Many chose to hide on the sidelines only to get to the end of their life regretting the things they did not do. Remember this, there is no greater risk than the risk of putting off doing what you want on the wing and the prayer that you’ll get to do it later.

Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck where you don’t want to be. You were created to soar. You are bursting with potential. You have SO much in you that is just dying to come out so trust yourself and jump.

I’m going to leave you this week with something I saw recently on Facebook from Sheryl Sandberg. Ask yourself: What would you do if you weren’t afraid? Now go do it”

If you’ve liked it, please click the like button and share it with others– I’d really appreciate that. And I’d love to hear from you so make sure to leave a comment below this video and let me know about what quantum leap you’re determined to make this year – is it financial freedom, the body of your dreams, wealth, becoming an entrepreneur – Let us know! You can make it happen but you’ve got to be prepared to put yourself under pressure and get some skin in the game.



  • Cassie
    Posted at 17:23h, 10 May Reply

    I would love to muster the courage to go back to school. It has been so long since I have been in a classroom environment which I know is an excuse. I have been making excuses for years now, “it’s too expensive, I don’t have enough time, what if it has been too long? But you are right I just need to jump or it will never happen. It is the only way I will move forward. Thanks Jacquie

    • Jacquie
      Posted at 07:24h, 11 May Reply

      You are so welcome Cassie. Just remember that the 4 years are going to pass whether you are in school or not! xo

  • Justine
    Posted at 17:31h, 10 May Reply

    You are so right. Growth never comes from something easy. Every time I have grown as a person it has been from struggles and compromise. I think this is something that everyone needs to be reminded of, which is why I love this video. It is so easy to get stuck wanting more out of life and you nailed it, “If you’re ever going to fly you have to jump off the cliff.” It is never easy but it is almost always worth it.

    • Jacquie
      Posted at 07:26h, 11 May Reply

      So true Justine. My grandma used to say “nothing worth while ever comes easy!” If it did, everyone would be happy and successful right?! xo

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