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Travelling? Bring back something fab for your home…

As I have already mentioned, my new home in California is an eclectic collection of locally sourced finds, mostly from the 70’s and 80’s – I like to think of it as Halston meets Bob Mackie. But in addition to this fascinating concept, I am also including interesting bits and pieces of fabulousness from my travels. I am not known for trinkety souvenirs, but I do love to find unique and memory-evoking items on my trips that will forever be conversation pieces in my homes.

Take for example my acquisitions from my recent trip to Bali (see images above). I chose these pieces because the Balinese are known for their carvings and these are beautiful examples that required immense talent and experience to create. The unique taupe and gray wood is Jacaranda.

Usually when I purchase such things, I do not know where they will go in my home. However, if I buy what I love and what moves me, the items themselves always seem to find the perfect location!

In the photo gallery above, you will see images of my two stunning carvings. The first one – the couple in the loving embrace – is of Rama and Sita, the Hindu version of Romeo and Juliet (but with a happy ending, I am told). The very artist who carved this piece is pictured hard at work on another creation (see second photo).

The beautiful kneeling woman was carved by a man who is since deceased (see third photo). His son and grandson continue with the tradition. I just love the incredible detail of the fabric of her dress.

When you travel, bring back something that evokes emotion and beautiful memories. Not to mention something that will be timeless and loved forever.

Happy Trails!

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