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Have you ever wondered:

“What is the #1 key to living an extraordinary life, and getting what I want?”

It’s a really great question, and the first one my coaching clients want me to answer. Here’s my straight-up, without-a-doubt response:

“How you feel about YOURSELF determines your ENTIRE life.”

This basic statement is the premise behind everything I teach and everything I stand for. I believe it is, by far, the single most important philosophy for manifesting the life you want and deserve.

But don’t get me wrong. It’s not about blind self-acceptance or loving yourself, no matter what.

It’s about doing the work necessary to really like and respect yourself — it’s about living up to your own potential. Because when we do that, we trust ourselves, we believe in ourselves, and we attract opportunities.

In today’s episode of Jacquie Straight Up, I’ll unlock the fuller meaning behind my “be the best you” mantra, and show you how it can bring joy, happiness, and fulfillment into your life. Click above to watch.

The great news is that creating an extraordinary life starts with the totally doable basics — the simple things like diet, nutrition, fitness, and de-cluttering.

If you know you life isn’t great, but you don’t know how to improve it, start by changing something that is within your control. Before long, your life will start to shift. The respect you are building for yourself will start to show, and you will being to attract opportunities.

I guarantee that when you focus on what you CAN do, opportunity will come your way and the bigger stuff will fall into place. It’s a simple but powerful formula.

So I encourage you today to pick one area of your life that you can improve on, and give it your all. Once you’ve decided, do let me know in the comments section below the video, so we can all support you.

Remember, a great life depends on us working at being the absolute best version of ourselves that we can be. Yes, that does take hard work, discipline, and focus, but the result is a meaningful and fulfilled life that comes when we are pursuing our own potential.

If you’ve liked today’s video, please hit the like button, and share with you family and friends. Your support matters, and I appreciate it.

I’ll see you next week!

Sending love and strength,

P.S. Next week, I’m launching a series on these life-changing basics, critical to success. I call them The 5 S’s of Fabulous: Sweat, Substance, Sleep, Sex, and Style! You won’t want to miss it! Watch above to find out more.

  • Helena
    Posted at 11:01h, 27 February Reply

    Opps, my comment went to another post?
    Here it is………….sorry, this cold really has a grip on me!
    OMG, all of the above!!! lol
    Other than Style…..don’t need much of that to de-clutter and fight off this cold of the century!
    cheers Jacquie

  • Jacquie
    Posted at 15:32h, 27 February Reply

    Hope you’re feeling much better soon, Helena! And have a great time decluttering….one of my favorite jump start tips of all time!

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