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Get Rid of Old Bag – agge!

The bag that is now bringing beauty to someone else. Forgive the quality of the pic – It is a photo of an old photo!

I purchased a beautiful new Gucci bag in London in July 2010 on my way back home from a trip to South Africa. The bag that had accompanied me on this and many other previous adventures, was my old Dolce and Gabbana animal print tote that I had acquired years ago in a small boutique in Toronto. And now, while sitting in the BA lounge at Heathrow, I was overwhelmed by the feeling that it was time to pass her on, let her go, move forward.

I looked around the lounge for signs of a perfect match and all I saw was a sea of male staff. After a while, I caught sight of a tall woman with a tray clearing glasses and cups down at the far end of the room. She appeared to be in her thirties and someone who would dress with some degree of style if she wasn’t confined to an unimaginative uniform. I watched her for a moment and realized that she was the one; so I walked over to her and asked her to come to where I was sitting when she had a minute – I had something that I wanted to give her. She looked puzzled and skeptical as you can well imagine… perhaps I had Jehovah’s Witness literature to impart or I was offering some other wacky solution to eternal damnation.

Curiosity or a sense of duty got the better of her and she came over to my chair looking very cautious and reserved. “I want to give you this bag”, I said. “I have had many years of use from it and it’s time for me to pass it on. It is Dolce and Gabbana and still has the original certificate of authenticity in the pocket. You look like the perfect recipient.” She still looked a little skeptical so I added; “There is nothing weird here and no strings attached; all I ask is that you enjoy it and pass it on to someone else if and when you no longer use it.” “Are you for real?”, she asked and a smile developed that got broader by the second. “Really? Really? For me?”
“Yes, really for you”. “Nothing like this has ever happened to me before” she said. It seemed like she may have cried if she wasn’t so darn happy.

I couldn’t have asked for a better reaction. She made my day and many others since for whenever I tell this story, I think about her and how such a small gesture seemed to mean to her and in turn, brings me so much joy.

I have always been pretty good about ridding my life of clutter but in recent days the Universal Force has been clearly indicating to me that I still have some unfinished business in this regard. Walking into my closet made me feel uneasy and scattered. Then, I came down with a cold forcing me to cancel my active weekend, look inward and spend time at home.

I am re-reading Bob Proctor’s book, ‘You were Born Rich” and quite fortuitously, the chapter that I happened to read in bed on Friday night is called “The Vacuum Law of Prosperity” – Quite simply, it means that nature abhors a vacuum so when you get rid of the old, you make room for the new. Bob states ” We hold on to old ideas and old things because we lack faith in our ability to obtain new ideas and new things. This..leads to..insecurity, which stems..from an inability to understand who and what, you are.”

OK, OK thanks…I GET it… No more signs needed….So I began to rid my closet of every single item that I do not wear or do not absolutely love. I did not sell it, I gave it all away. I felt so good and other life changing revelations started to come at me thick and fast. I feel free.

I realize that it is finally time, once and for all, to make a clean break from my “part-time” lover. Yes, I said “lover”…the man I have been sleeping with sporadically for many months. Our casual relationship has been wonderful for the time that it has lasted; perfect really. But now, for some reason, I am ready for a lover with whom I have a more meaningful and deeper connection. I now know for sure that he will not show up until I have definitively cleared the space.

I am so grateful for the wake-up call. Out with the old, in with the new. Bring it on!

1 Comment
  • Model
    Posted at 13:55h, 05 October Reply

    Well JS, I must say this really hit home for me! I do tend to “cling” to “things’ for longer than necessary. You totally inspired me and last night I spent 3 hours “cleansing” my closet and my soul! … 22 T-shirts …. 6 sweaters….2 blazers…1 dress….3 dress pants….4 jeans…20 blouses….9 pairs of shoes & 7 purses! I FEEL FANTASTIC!! lol!! THANK YOU!! XO

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