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Why Faith sometimes Fails!

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Hello everyone, I’m Jacquie Somerville, Founder of the Be Your Own Soul Mate movement. Welcome to this week’s broadcast of Jacquie Straight Up, the place to be if you want to live a kick-ass life of wealth and freedom.

Today’s video is all about faith. And it’s about the big difference in wishing and knowing and actually hoping. You see, true faith is knowing. It’s not wishing and hoping. It’s not constantly pleading. It’s asking, and then knowing that it will be. And we’re talking about faith in yourself, as well as faith in Divine Guidance.

So when you have true faith in yourself, for example, somebody who starts a business and is just wishing and hoping that it’s going to be a success, I can tell you right now that it’s not. All the people who are successful in business , successful in love, successful in health, it’s not a question of wishing and hoping for it, it’s a question of actually knowing that that’s going to be the outcome. Truly knowing is what true faith is.  And in order to be successful, we have to have true faith in ourselves, and or Divine Guidance.

So I want you to catch yourself going into the wishing and hoping state. And the way that you know you are in that is when you have a lot of  doubt and a lot of negative self talk. So, the way to go into a knowing state, is to replace those doubtful thoughts with positive ones. And please replace your negative words with positive words. Always expect the best. Truly expect the best. Because faith is not the kind of thinking that maybe the worst is going to happen but hoping for the best. That’s not faith. And that does not produce the outcome you desire.

So, if you’re waiting for someone to come home, sit at the dinner table and wait for them. If you want a new car, go out and test drive the cars and make a decision on which one you want and do it now! That’s not wishing and hoping, that’s knowing and that’s starting the process. Because you know it’s going to happen.

So that’s my message for you today. Make sure to leave me a comment and let me know what your experiences are in this regard. When have you manifested what you want because you had true knowing and true faith, not wishing and hoping. Let me know in the comments below, I’d love to hear from you!

I’m Jacquie Somerville reminding you that the way to live a kickass life is to be your own soul mate. Treat yourself with love and care and I’ll see you next time for another episode of Jacquie Straight Up- Bye!

  • Danielle
    Posted at 09:24h, 21 September Reply

    Hi Jacquie. This topic really hits home for me. Not too long ago I was living a life full of doubt and fear. Always second guessing myself every time I had the chance. When enough was enough, I put all the focus on the life that I wanted to live. For me. For once…. and I had faith in Divine Guidance and manifested myself an amazing new job, my own small business revolved around my biggest passion, and a lovely place that I can call home. So thank you for bringing this to light this week. True faith is really a very powerful thing.

    • Jacquie
      Posted at 04:51h, 22 September Reply

      That is SO cool Danielle – Huge congrats to you! xo

  • Melissa
    Posted at 09:36h, 21 September Reply

    Hey Jacquie! You know I’m really glad this was the topic this week because honestly I never really thought about the difference between saying you have faith and actually knowing versus saying or believing you have faith and hoping and wishing. I think a lot of the times I believed I had faith I was still just hoping for a certain outcome. I am going to take your advice and be mindful of my thoughts and words. Thanks for keeping us on our toes Jacquie! 😉

    • Jacquie
      Posted at 04:51h, 22 September Reply

      Awesome Melissa and you are so welcome! xo

  • Leslie
    Posted at 12:39h, 21 September Reply

    The faith message came at the perfect time.
    Self doubt is an issue many of us face and as you remind us it serves us in a negative way.
    Any advice when the fear of failure shows up in my thoughts?
    Thanks for always inspiring,


    • Robin
      Posted at 16:25h, 21 September Reply

      Hello Jacquie,
      Thank you for your inspiration. In response to Leslie, I find that when I notice the self talk is becoming unsure or negative that listening to your weekly inspirations is enough to snap me back into the sunshine. If all else fails I will listen to the song, “Jump Rope” by Blue October
      “Up Down, Up Down, Up Down,….Ya…Life’s like a Jump Rope”

      • Jacquie
        Posted at 04:57h, 22 September Reply

        Thanks SO much for your kind words Robin and for sharing the song with us! Fabulous! xo

    • Jacquie
      Posted at 04:55h, 22 September Reply

      Hey Leslie – Yes, fear and self-doubt go hand in hand. The key is to acknowledge the fear, don’t try to ignore it because what we resist persists, and then shift your thoughts and words to the outcome you desire. Its a process – doesn’t happen over night but keep at it and pretty soon the fear and doubt will become less and less. xo

  • Smita
    Posted at 22:19h, 21 September Reply

    Hi Jacquie, thank you for the inspiration, I find that although I have the faith and believe, its not happening for me as I can’t seem to put the stake in the ground. for example, I want a new car but cant make up my mind which one, it changes as I see them on the road or find out there prices. then I feel guilty when something happens to my current car. please advise, thank you

  • Jacquie
    Posted at 05:01h, 22 September Reply

    Hey Smita – It seems like you are not quite ready for the new car so a little patience is required! We really do need to be clear on what we want before we can make it a reality so test drive cars, pick one and do not let price deter you. Put pictures of your chosen car on your vision board and picture yourself driving it in detail every day. Then have faith that you will manifest the money required to purchase the exact car you’d like. If your desire and your faith are strong enough, it will happen! Stay the course, the answers will come to you. XO

  • Nikki Nitz
    Posted at 07:53h, 26 September Reply

    Excellent message Jacquie! Keep up the great work! You are making a positive impact in the world!

    • Jacquie
      Posted at 05:33h, 27 September Reply

      Thanks so much Nikki! XO

  • Nessie
    Posted at 08:54h, 29 September Reply

    You taught me something valuable in this message Jacquie! Faith is NOT a magic wand! Faith is having enough confidence and self worth to trust yourself and to believe that the goals that you want to pursue can and will be reached! We cannot sit back and wish for things…we have to make that first positive nudge in the universe, and keep nudging and learning along the way until we reach our goal! My “magic wand” will be my candlesticks, that I will light whenever I have a doubtful/wishing moment….A bright light to remind me that all things bright and cheery CAN come my way, with a little faith and knowledge! (Thank you again Jacquie!)

    • Jacquie
      Posted at 05:51h, 01 October Reply

      Such a great idea Nessie, to have a reminder ritual – Thank you for sharing! xo

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